Outdoor living, Southern Utah

Realities of living on the road – brushing your teeth outside with no water!  Southern Utah

With 4+ months of living out of a tiny teardrop camper with no bathroom, it’s a fair question – what is your beauty routine on the road?  This is a funny one for me to answer because I’ve never been great at making myself up in the first place.  Despite watching my mom do herself up beautifully each morning before work my entire childhood, I didn’t use a blow dryer or tweezers until well into my high school years and didn’t discover makeup until my besties in college used to make me up for fun.  I just never really had much of an interest in it.  As I’ve gotten older I’ve started to wear some mascara, blush and eyeliner and make sure my hair looks decent before popping out the door for work or socializing with friends.  I’ve never been a makeup-to-the-gym kind of girl, but aside from working out, I do usually make myself up a little bit before I leave the house.  So – beauty routine on an extended road trip?!

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