

I love this quote.  It embodies the fresh start that comes with each new year.  Many people hate New Year’s resolutions, and the typical half-hearted resolutions probably are something to loathe.  But with the start of the new year comes the opportunity to reassess.  To stop and think about the past year, the lessons learned, opportunities taken, opportunities missed, happiness, successes, regrets.  And to evaluate how we’ll take these into the new year.  Rather than making resolutions, I like to take some time to simply be more mindful.  Think about the person that I want to be, where I am currently, and what I can do to continue to grow, learn and thrive.  It’s a good practice to periodically take the time to reevaluate our trajectory, and why not start with the beginning of the year?

Here are some thoughts on my assessment for the year:

1.  Be Present.  This is my number one task for myself this year.  Be present.  In the moment.  Pay attention.  Live intentionally.  Life tends to just happen sometimes.  It’s easy to get wrapped up in whatever is pummeling you, easy to turn on auto-pilot.  For me, like many others, it is usually work. For others it may be family obligations, illness, making ends meet.  The days go by, we do what needs to be done to get to tomorrow, or next week, or next month, without being present for our lives.  I’ve decided to take stock of my actions, think about what I’m doing and why, and enjoy it.  This means less multi-tasking and more focus, which will be hard to do but I’m up for the challenge.

2.  Unplug.  Part of being present for me means unplugging every once in a while.  Being tethered to communications 24/7 is a reality for most these days, and certainly is for me, but I’m going to make an effort to untether myself from time to time.  I’m going to limit my social media time and make sure that it isn’t the first thing that I go to when I feel bored (which happens all too often these days).  When standing in line somewhere, I’ll look around and observe my surroundings (be present!) or chat with the person next to me.  When I need a break at work, I’ll take a walk around the block, go grab a coffee, or chat with a friend down the hall instead of always checking the news for the latest headlines or Facebook for the latest news feed post.  I will also make an effort to not check email every 5 minutes.  This will be so hard to do, especially with a demanding job, but for my sanity I think it’s necessary.

3. Purge.  I will make an effort to simplify and purge my life of unnecessary things.  This means purging of extra belongings, starting with ALL THE CLOTHES – I have too many and don’t wear much of my wardrobe, so now’s a great time to declutter.  Out with the old and in with only the new that I love and will cherish.  This also means purging of unnecessary extras in life that are weighing me down – relationships that are harmful or draining, obligations that are meaningless or not bringing enough value to be worth the time and effort, and pressures that are self-imposed and unimportant.

4.  Prioritize the people in my life.  I will continue to make an effort to prioritize my relationships.  When all else goes awry, it is the people with whom you surround yourself who really matter.  I will prioritize my marriage, my friendships and my family.  I will stop myself from saying I’m just too busy to make that phone call, or to make that visit.  It is so important to send a little note, make some phone calls, or schedule a get together – whatever it is that will remind your people that you are thinking of them and making them an important part of your life.

What will you be doing to live with intention in 2016?

BY Jackie
LOCATION San Francisco, California