
I’ve just finished The Martian, by Andy Weir.  I’ve started another book club.  It’s an addiction.  I love to read and to talk to my friends and so book clubs are really my jam.  When work permits, of course.  This new book club has only has two members so far – me and one of my smart, funny coworkers who loves the nerdy books that I do.  We are being selective in our membership.  One of the most important factors to consider when contemplating joining or forming a book club is the kinds of books the other members like to read.  One ill-fated book club years ago with a friend (who shall not be named to protect her street cred) chose as the inaugural book Sweet Valley Confidential, which is a sequel ten years after the Sweet Valley High books ended.  And that was the beginning and the very quick end of that book club.  I’m looking for a little bit more substance, a little less silliness.  So we decided to start with The Beak of the Finch and follow it with The Martian.  I’m about halfway through the Beak.  That’s a kinda dry, super factual, interesting but not page-turning book about Darwin and Natural Selection.

The Martian, by Andy Weir, however, I finished in a weekend.  A friend let me borrow it and I devoured it page by page.  It is a story of an astronaut stranded on Mars and his struggle to survive.  I came THISCLOSE about 50 times to flipping to the back to find out what happens to him in the end.

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