I love cheese.  If you have met me for 5 minutes, you probably know this about me.  It is my favorite food by far.  Which is sad for the waistline, but hey, we all have our demons.  I run so I can eat cheese.  Another thing you may not know about me (but probably do) is that I like to do things myself – to figure things out.  So when I love a food, I want to learn to make it and then make it my own.  I love macarons with a passion usually reserved for fluffy puppies and squishy babies. And so I learned to make them (recipe to come in a future post!).

And so. I love cheese and decided I would learn how to make it.  And then I talked about it for months and months and never made the time to learn, because that’s pretty standard for my jam-packed, overly scheduled life; a problem that I am working on.  Thankfully I have the most thoughtful husband who listens to my rants about the things I love and the dreams I have and so for our anniversary last year he surprised me with a cheesemaking class!  Making my dreams come true one day at a time, that man. We went to a cooking class at Cavallo Point, a historic hotel tucked just under the Golden Gate Bridge north of San Francisco in Marin, which has the most breathtaking views of the city, is in restored historic buildings of Fort Baker, an old Army post, and also happens to have amazing cooking classes – who knew?!

Cavallo Point cooking school Read more