Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.

Frederick Douglass

I love to read.  It is my favorite activity and has been for as long as I can remember.  I love books of all genres – fiction, nonfiction – as long as it’s well written and covers an interesting topic, I’m in love.  I have found that personal recommendations are the best way to form a reading list and pick up a new book.  There are certain friends in my life who without fail recommend wonderful reads and so when they mention that they enjoyed a particular book, I immediately go find it.  On the other hand, I have sometimes been seriously let down by books that I picked up simply because they were on the NYT Bestseller List or recommended on the Amazon Kindle list of bestsellers (ahem, 50 Shades).  I have definitely learned that just because a book is on display at the bookstore does not mean you’ll love it.  Or like it. Or even want to finish it.

So when I’ve read a book that I love, I tell everyone about it – whether they want to hear it or not – I just can’t help myself.  And so on here the blog I’ll be sharing from time to time some thoughts on books that I’ve read recently or not so recently, and perhaps these personal recommendations will be of use to you.

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