The Pursuit of Life

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Tag: recommendation (page 2 of 3)


Horseshoe Bend, Page Arizona, at sunset

Horseshoe Bend and Antelope Canyon, both just outside of Page, Arizona in the very northern part of the state on the border with Utah, are “must see” spots – touted on top 10 lists and with beautiful photos included in the guide books.  So of course we thought – we have to go see these stunning places!  And stunning they are …  gilded but not gold because of the crowds that taint the experience of gazing on such beautiful places.

Antelope Canyon, Navajo Reservation, Arizona

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Should you take your dog with you on your road trip?

Adventure Dog - Traveling with a Pup on your Roadtrip

If you have ever met us, you know how obsessed we are with our pup.  Our furbaby. Our darling princess queen bee nugget Coconut.  So when we decided to take a long road trip around the Western U.S, we thought well of course we will take Coconut with us!  Well, that’s what I thought.  Ryan was a little more practical and said – maybe we should think about this a little more.  And of course I won out and we took her with us!  But there are some serious things to consider when deciding whether you should bring your dog along with you on your roadtrip. 

Coconut was with us for 5 weeks on the road and we absolutely loved having her along for the adventure.  After all, you wouldn’t leave your kids at home for such a grand adventure, so why would we leave our fur-kid at home?!  

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Sourdough Camp Bread Recipe

I am not a baker per se.  I don’t have the fancy scales, cake pans and pie tins that are hallmarks of a serious baker.  I dabble in baking and usually it turns out pretty tasty … although I have never quite figured out how to make my flourless cake not crumble the instant I try to serve it on a plate.  Regardless, I’d like to think that I’m a decent baker because I am a rule follower.  To the T.  So I can follow a recipe like it’s nobody’s business.  When we finalized our plans for this trip, I decided that I wanted to learn how to make bread so that I can make some bread for us from time to time on the road.  

Sourdough Bread Baking Class, La Victoria Bakery, San Francisco

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The Grand Canyon – Bright Angel Trail and Campgrounds

Bright Angel Trail, Grand Canyon

We made it! 

There are few things in life that feel as good as the first stretch the morning after a particularly invigorating yoga class.  What does not feel so good is the wake up stretch the morning after climbing from the bottom of the Grand Canyon to the top – ouch!  But to say that the hike is worth it is a gross understatement.  It is more than worth it.  After a night down at the Bright Angel Campground (see the post here about our hike down the South Kaibab Trail to the campground at the bottom of the Grand Canyon!), we were headed back up to climb out of the canyon.

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Life on the Road | April Digest

The Wave

The Wave at Coyote Buttes, Northern Arizona

Another month on the road!  Here is the tally of facts and figures for our roadtrip as of May 3rd (a few days over the month mark!):

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Grand Canyon – Hermit Trail

Hermit Trail, Grand Canyon

In the Grand Canyon, Arizona has a natural wonder which is in kind absolutely unparalleled throughout the rest of the world. … Leave it as it is. You cannot improve on it. The ages have been at work on it, and man can only mar it.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Grand Canyon

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6 Reasons Why You Should Never Tell Someone They Look Tired


I woke up like this

I woke up like this

We’ve all heard it from someone at some point – wow, you’re looking a little tired today.  Sometimes meant with good will, sometimes with a little malicious intent, it is just not something that you should ever say to someone.  No matter how good the intent.  And here are 6 reasons why.

  1. It isn’t helpful.  Nobody can immediately turn themselves into someone who looks chipper, fresh faced and well rested.  If they look tired, it will take a solid 8+ hours of sleep and probably many other things, including stress relief, exercise and a hot bath, to not look tired anymore.
  2. It will always be taken with offense.  Even the most well intentioned mention that someone looks tired will be taken as a slap in the face.  Doesn’t matter the tone, who says it to you, or what the context is, nobody ever wants to hear that.
  3. That person probably IS tired and probably for a very good reason that they probably do not want to talk about.  If he or she wanted to talk about it, tired person would initiate the conversation, and then you can be helpful.  It is a very different thing for someone to come to you and say – oh my word, I am SO tired!  That is an open door for you to say, oh dear, perhaps you should try to get some rest tonight.  I’ll do X for you, or why don’t you sleep in tomorrow and I’ll handle Y so that you can catch up on your needed rest?  That is friendly and helpful and appreciated.  But it was initiated by tired person, not by you.
  4. There are far more effective and kind ways to express concern.  In the rare event that you are actually concerned about someone looking tired or worn down, there are any number of more effective and compassionate ways to express this concern. [And let’s be honest, most of the time this is a phrase uttered out of bored observation or mean-spiritedness.  Shame on you if that’s the case].  For instance: a simple how are you doing today would suffice.  Or how about sharing some experiences of your own lately to relate to the person who looks tired, such as: this week has been so intense around here, these late nights at the office are killer and I’m exhausted – how are you holding up?.  Misery loves company and starting a conversation that you are in the same boat as the tired looking person will be much more helpful than an attack on how they look that day.
  5. Nobody looks good tired, so you are telling someone that they look like sh*t.  It is always a bad thing when someone tells you that you look tired.  It means that your skin is sagging, you’ve got bags or dark circles under your eyes, you aren’t focused, etc., etc.  Looking tired means that you simply are not looking your best, and someone telling you that you don’t look your best is not helpful (see #1 above).  Nobody reacts well to being told they look like sh*t, so you are not going to get through any concerns that you have, if they are genuine.
  6. It isn’t nice.  All of this is to say that telling someone they look tired simply isn’t nice.  Don’t be a jerk.

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Not to be outdone in funky-ness or prickly-ness by the Joshua Trees, the Cholla Cholla Cacti are really something to see in Joshua Tree National Park.  We stopped by the Cholla Cholla Cactus Garden on our drive to the south of the Park and I have to say that it is one of the strangest places that I’ve ever been.  All of a sudden there is a huge collection of these relatively short, skinny, spiky cacti – they are few and far between anywhere else in the Park so far as I can tell, but they grow in abundance in this one spot.  Again – this is one bizarre national park!  This cactus garden is another favorite spot of mine here in Joshua Tree.


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Well we have certainly gotten off to a slow start on this trip!  And that’s just fine by me.  One of my goals for this adventure is to slow down and take my time and enjoy the present without worrying about what the future holds – whether that’s two days into the future or two years into the future.  And so after a couple of days in Big Sur, we headed south to San Diego, where some of our favorite friends live.  We dropped the camper in front of their home in Cardiff, headed for a late night dinner at Pizza Port in Solana Beach, and the next day we were off to Florida for a few days.  Our nephew was being baptized, and conveniently we are temporarily retired and so we have all the time in the world to head back to the East Coast for such a momentous life event as a baptism!  Ryan and I have always said that no matter where in the world we live, we will make it a point to not miss the important family events, and that includes the time that we are on this road trip.    


Ah, sunny Florida

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